Saturday, 12 April 2014

New to this.... so bear with me.

Hi, well this is officially my first ever blog post in my first ever blog, and I have no idea why I am sat here so nervous?
OK, firstly the boring introduction bit about me, promise I will be quick! I am a 37 year old working mum. I am married to Jim and have 2 amazing little girls Morgan (6yrs) and Florence (3yrs). I have a pretty high pressure job working in automotive engineering which is a very male dominated environment and finally I have Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), which is a nasty form of arthritis.
Hopefully you have not nodded off or switched off yet....
The reason for me turning this pc on and starting a blog? I am hoping that by sharing my experiences and some of my hints/tips etc I can help other mums in similar positions to me. You see, I work long hours but refuse to allow that to dictate what my family eats. Too many times in the past I used to rely on jars of sauces... frozen dinners... take aways. But not anymore. Each night my family eats home cooked nutritious food, whether I get home at 6:30pm or not!
For the past few months I have been posting pictures of the food I cook on facebook and since doing this I have lots of people ask me for recipes or tips, and the main things I get asked are;
  • "How do you manage to do all that and work... its not possible?".
  • "Where do you find these recipes as I can never find anything that's easy to prepare?"
  • "How do you get your children to eat that?"
Well I can honestly say, it is possible, there are recipes out there and my children do eat it. But and its a big but... it took me awhile to get a structure, routine and finding the food my children will eat. I have failed several times (so I always have emergency baked beans waiting). So I decided to document my days here in a blog.... I can share how I plan and organise and importantly do the things that I could not find guidance on, So I can point you in the direction of good, quick, nutritious family meals that I have tried and tested so you don't have to. I will also share my disasters, the meals that took an hour rather than the quoted 30 minutes, the meals that were OK but took negotiation to get the family to eat and the meals my kids spat out and ended up in an emergency can of beans situation!

I hope someone out there will find this blog useful, if I help at least 1 person I will be happy :-)


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